About Me

Welcome to my personal website. I am Miranda Christine Lutz-Landesbergen and currently an assistant professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. I research the role of cognitive control in psychopathology. I am also a mother of two daughters, happily married and own two cats.

I am an advocate for PhD well-being and I endorse open-science practices. How is it to do a PhD in the Netherlands in Psychology and being a parent? How is it to supervise a PhD student? How do you combine this with all the extra-curricular activities? Read more about what and how I do on this website!

In short:

  • Residence the Netherlands
  • E-mail miranda.c.lutz@gmail.com
  • Job Assistant Professor
  • I stand for Transparency and honesty
  • Research topics cognitive control, EEG, Flanker task, meta-analysis, developmental psychology, behavioral addiction


Assistant Professor

2023-current Erasmus University Rotterdam

Continuation of researching the role of cognitive control, focusing on EEG during early adulthood and emerging deviant behavior. In addition: coordination of EEG data collection within Generation R.

PhD Candidate Clinical Psychology

2017- 2023 Erasmus University Rotterdam

Role of cognitive control in the development of psychopathology. See for extended overview of my PhD dissertation on the academic activities page.

Research Assistant

2016-2017 Leiden University

I was a research assistant for the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology department, where I assisted several PhD students on their projects which are part of the ERC consolidator grant ‘Empowering expectations for health and disease: Training the immune and endocrine system’. PI: Prof. Dr. Andrea Evers.

Several research traineeships

2014-2017 Leiden University

1. Assist in research on Routine Outcome Monitoring and the role of process feedback in therapeutic settings. Collaboration with and supervised by Dr. Kim de Jong, Clinical Psychology, Leiden University. 2. Assisting during a pilot study on self-concepts in adolescents: an MRI study. PI: Prof. Dr. Eveline Crone 3. Assist on an intervention study on the improvement of working memory and school outcomes in primary school children. Supervised by Dr. D. D. Jolles and Dr. A. K. J. Karlsson.

Licensed swimming teacher

2008-current Local swimming pool

Licensed swimming teacher at a local swimming pool. Previously also life-guard.


University Teaching Qualification

2023-2024 Erasmus University Rotterdam | RISBO

Enhance didactic competences relevant for academic lecturers.

Several graduate courses

2017-2023 External graduate schools | Erasmus University Rotterdam

PhD courses on scientific integrity, meta-analysis (in R), growth curve modeling, mediation and multli-level SEM in MPlus, data processing (EEG), presenting and communicating your research.

Master Education and Child studies: Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies specialization

2015-2016 Leiden University

Research Internship: Social judgement in socially anxious adolescents: An EEG study. Supervisor: Dr. Melle van der Molen. Thesis topic: Cortical thickness, surface area and volume and functional polymorphisms of Disrupted in schizophrenia-1 in typically developing children and adolescents. Supervisor: Dr. Tim Ziermans.

Master Education and Child studies: Neuroscience in Child and Educational Studies specialization

2014-2015 Leiden University

Research internship: Longitudinal study on social cognition in 7- to 12-month old baby's. Supervisor: Dr. Szilvia Biro Thesis topic: Resting-state frontal asymmetry in 11-month-old infants: Role of infant temperament and maternal sensitivity. Supervisor: Dr. Szilvia Biro

Bachelor Pedagogical Sciences

2010-2014 University of Amsterdam

Including courses on Educational sciences

MYP & DP, International Baccalaureate Organisation

2002-2009 Oegstgeest

Teaching Experience

  • Bachelor Course Child & Adolescent Development Coordinator & Lecturer
  • Master Clinical Psychology/Child & Adolescent Psychology Thesis (internship) supervision
  • Master course Addiction Lecturer
  • Bachelor Psychology Thesis supervision
  • Bachelor & Master Practical Psychodiagnostics Teacher
  • Master Practical Behaviour therapy interventions Teacher
  • Master Practical Cognitive therapy Coordinator & Teacher
  • Bachelor course Research Traineeship Supervisor
  • Mentee Mentoring students in the Advanced Research Program

Several Achievements

Reading the scales below

When the scale is more filled (to the right), I feel more confident or I have more experience with it. This is not a validated instrument, so imagination is required.

Research Skills




Systematic Literature & Meta-Analysis

Psychometric validity

Learning Now

structural/functional MRI (AFNI)



Growth Curve Modeling

Other Skills

Open Science Practise

Organzing/Hosting Events


Networking & Connecting

My Imprefections

Saying no


Lingering on details


My PhD dissertation

We need our brain to do many complex processes when we do our everyday activities. For instance, when we have to perform a certain task, we have to monitor our steps carefully, meanwhile controlling our emotions and avoiding negative outcomes.

We monitor our performance, our brain is busy learning from mistakes. In some individuals, these processes work differently. For instance, when you are anxious, you might react overly sensitively to a mistake, whereas if you are impulsive, you might not even notice you made an error.

In my PhD, I investigate how the brain reacts to errors and how one's performance monitoring is related to psychological disorders and the development of these conditions (psychopathology). We often use the terms cognitive control and error processing when we are monitoring our performance. We also have fancy equipment to measure brain activity and display such as EEG (electroencephalogram) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) while we perform cognitive tasks or games that require us to monitor performance.

To understand the role of cognitive control in psychopathology, I have investigated the development of performance on a cognitive task (Eriksen Flanker) in a large longitudinal sample of primary school children. Also, I have tested whether these trajectories were associated with the trajectories of behavioral and emotional problems. Furthermore, my dissertation includes two reviews on two error-processing event-related potentials (ERPs, measured through EEG). In a meta-analysis, where I combined effects found from different studies, I found that both error-related negativity and error positivity are diminished in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, addiction disorders, and other externalizing disorders and problems. Knowing this, I discuss to what extent we can use these neurobiological markers in the clinical field in a narrative review, written for a special issue for a journal. Finally, using data from a longitudinal study, gathered in the US, I investigated the association between social error processing, infant behavioral inhibition, and current social anxiety, while MRI scanning.

The data used in my PhD dissertation originates from an innovative approach of combining different types of studies, e.g. longitudinal cohorts and experimental studies. My PhD is made possible by the Erasmus Initiatives: Vital Cities and Citizens which stimulates research that uses collaboration between the different disciplines, in my case neuro-clinical psychology and developmental-pedagogical sciences.

I have completed my PhD in the section Clinical Psychology of the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. My supervisors are Prof. Ingmar Franken, PhD., Prof. Pol van Lier, PhD, (promotors) Rianne Kok, PhD (co-promotor) and former supervisor was Susanne Koot, PhD. I consider several other close colleagues as my mentors in my PhD journey, such as Kim de Jong, PhD and Prof. Pauline Jansen, PhD.

My PhD defense will take place on Friday the 12th of January 2024. Please feel free to rewatch the public defense. Let me know if you have any questions about the presentation.

But what is doing a PhD really? You do research, but it's like executing several complex projects. So you learn to do project management, critical thinking, presenting and lots of writing.  But you do so many other things along the side, if you wish. You can teach, work on other project together with other parties/colleagues, etc. I will regularly write about what I do besides my PhD research in the blogs, see next window!

The end of a PhD marks the beginning of whatever comes after. I have been fortunate to land an assistant professor position in my 'home'  department. Mind the reader, the acquisition of such positions is possible as the Dutch academics work differently than elsewhere (e.g. US).  I have a position with a 60% teaching load and a 40% research (note: I work 0,8fte). Please refer to the projects I am currently working on under the tab publications.

I will coordinate the first-year bachelor's course Developmental Psychology. Also, in 2024 I will obtain my University Teaching Qualification.

I have the privilege to be involved as a daily supervisor for Hajra Kalam during her PhD project. She will be researching the default node network and its role in addiction. Also, I will have the privilege to supervise many master students in their master projects and clinical and external internships. Finally, I will be a mentee for students who participate in the Advanced Research Program provided by our department. This mentee program helps students to find their way into academic positions after completing their master's.

I will be involved in Generation R, where I will be responsible for the coordination of the EEG data collection of the current cohort.

Piloting studying cognitive control in behavioral addiction
I am currently setting up pilot studies that will study performance monitoring in behavioral addictions, with the main focus on problematic gaming and internet use.

I will continue collaborating on projects that use my experience in meta-analyses, where I get to consolidate my statistical knowledge and learn my new role as a methodological advisor.

Neural correlates of addiction
I will partake in a collaboration to investigate event-related oscillations in addiction samples. In addition, another collaboration will investigate performance monitoring in youth and its relation to the development of addictive behaviors.

Member of

Scientific Outreach

Frontiers for Young Minds: In collaboration with master students and Mieke Schulte, PhD, we wrote a manuscript on deep-TMS in treating addiction.

Rewards & Recognition E-Magazine: I share my personal view of the professional development of PhD students: “By no means is everyone aware that those [other academic activities] opportunities exist and how helpful they can be.”

Spuiten en Slikken: Verslaafd aan Verliezen. I contributed to a documentary on gambling broadcasted on youtube for youth.

Heading to Next

Public Ph.D. dissertation defense: 13:00 CET January 12th, 2024, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL. Link to live stream/recording upon request!

Nationaal Drugscongres: 7th of February 2024, Driebergen, NL.

Leven Lang Leren Festival: several locations in Rotterdam. May 2024. Local public lectures to citizens (parents, youth, policy-makers and other stakeholders) of Rotterdam on substance and behavioral addictions. In collaboration with Emese Kroon.

9th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA), July 8-10 in Gibraltar.

Previous Visits to

April 2021: Open Science Rotterdam, NL. Presenting an Introduction to p-curve analysis for meta-analysis.

June 2022: CPDD in Minneapolis, USA. Presenting CPDD_poster M36 on June 13th, 8 am-10 am CET entitled: Diminished Error-Related Negativity and Error Positivity in Adults With Addiction Problems and Disorders: A Meta-Analysis on Error Processing.

September 2022: SPR in Vancouver, Canada. Presenting SPRposter_LutzEtAll poster session 1-13 on September 28th from 7 to 9pm PDT, entitled: Relationship between within-person differences in error-related negativity and error positivity and correct-trial response-time means and variations in healthy participants. Results found here: SPR22_PosterResults_LutzEtAll.

September 2023: SPR in New Orleans, US. Presenting SPR2023poster poster session 2-11 on September 29th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm CDT, entitled: Flanker performance trajectory is associated with problem behavior trajectory: A large longitudinal study in mainstream elementary school children.

My Publications | Pre-prints

  • Lutz, M. C., Kok, R., van Lier, P., Franken, I. H., & Buil, M. (2023, June 6). Developmental trajectory of flanker performance and its link to problem behavior in 7-to 12-year-old children. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fj62k
  • Miranda C. Lutz, Rianne Kok, Ilse Verveer,  Marcelo Malbec De Vidts, Susanne Koot, Pol van Lier & Ingmar Franken (2021). Diminished error-related negativity and error positivity in children and adults with externalizing problems and disorders - Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 46 (6), E615-E627.  doi: 10.1503/jpn.200031
  • Miranda C. Lutz, Rianne Kok & Ingmar Franken (2021). Event-related potential (ERP) measures of error processing as biomarkers of externalizing disorders. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 166, 151-159. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2021.06.002
  • Kim de Jong, Judith M. Colijn, Roisin A. V. Gallagher, Alexandra S. Reshetnikova, Marya Heij & Miranda C. Lutz (2021). Using progress feedback to improve outcomes and reduce drop-out, treatment duration, and deterioration. Clinical Psychology Review, 85. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2021.102002

Current Collaborations / Active Projects

Steady State EEG. With Drs. Asmina Aslanidou

OSF: https://osf.io/nq745/ The ability to detect threats in ever-changing environments is of crucial importance to living organisms. Successful threat detection, on the one hand can help escape dangerous encounters and on the other hand avoid unnecessary fear. Differential fear conditioning paradigms have been extensively used to study threat identification, by pairing one stimulus CS+) with an aversive event such as a loud noise or an electric shock (US) signaling threat, while a second stimulus is never paired (CS-) signaling safety. Among other measures, steady-state visual evoked potentials or fields (ssVEP/Fs) have often been used as a method to capture this difference. With ssVEP/Fs the temporal frequency of an externally flickering stimulus can cause frequency locked potentials in EEG/MEG (Regan, 1989). These frequency locked potentials can be tracked and thus allow us to follow the dynamic changes of visuocortical processing due to learning (Wieser et al., 2016). The amplitude of ssVEP/Fs is modulated not only by low order physical characteristics such as colour and shape but also by cognitive processes such as selective attention (McTeague et al., 2015). The great temporal resolution of EEG/MEG as well as the excellent signal-to-noise ratio constitute ssVEP/Fs a promising method for capturing early cortical bias formation such as the difference between a threat and safety signals. Effect sizes for other widely used methods that measure conditioned responses, such as Heart Rate and Skin Conductance Response, have already been suggested (Ojala & Bach, 2020). Although ssVEPs have been used to capture this difference in differential conditioning paradigms for more than a decade, there is no meta-analytic evidence for its success. Therefore, with this study we plan to aggregate evidence from studies using ssVEP/Fs in differential fear conditioning paradigms and explore whether their use is justified.

Validation of Assessment for Signal Clients. With Kim de Jong, PhD

Clinical support tools such as the Outcome Questionnaire Assessment for Signal Clients (OQASC) can help therapists identify reasons for a client´s lack of progress during psychotherapy. The OQ-ASC questionnaire assesses four domains that moderate treatment outcomes: therapeutic alliance, social support, motivation, and life events. The utility and usefulness of the OQ-ASC is dependent on its psychometric qualities. This study aims to investigate the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the OQ-ASC. Combining three independent samples of Dutch outpatients, 318 participants were included in the analysis. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed an acceptable fit for the four factors that were originally proposed for this questionnaire. The internal consistency was good for all scales. The convergent and divergent validity was good for the Therapeutic Alliance, Social Support, and Life Events scales, but was unsatisfactory for the Motivation subscale. The OQASC scales were able to distinguish between clients who were on track and not on track for recovery, except for the Motivation subscale. Overall, the OQ-ASC can be a useful tool to assess reasons for potential stagnations in treatment progress, and as such, can be a valuable addition to routine outcome monitoring measures used in the Netherlands.

Task performance and cognitive control. With Peter Clayson, PhD

Empirical paper (pre-registration upon request). Forced choice response tasks are often used to investigate behavioral and neurophysiological indices of performance monitoring. The modal approach for investigating these indices is to examine interindividual differences in average scores of a single ERP component, and studies that include neurophysiological data rarely use individual-trial ERP data and target specific relationships between behavior and neurophysiology. Therefore, the present study will examine interindividual and intraindividual differences in the trial-by-trial relationship between behavioral measurements (response time, accuracy) and neurophysiology (the stimulus-locked conflict N2 and P3 and the response-locked error-related negativity [ERN] and post-error positivity [Pe] components of the ERP) recorded during a flanker task to determine the trial-by-trial correspondence between behavioral and neurophysiological instantiations of performance monitoring.

Meta-Analysis on efficacy of blended CBT for anxiety and depression. With Drs. Sara Jakobsson Månsson

The goal of the meta-analysis is to determine the effectiveness of bCBT and to evaluate whether it is additive or a possible replacement of F2F sessions. I am involved in advising Sara on the methodology and statistics of the meta-analysis, help out with rating risk of bias assessment. This review article will be used in Sara's PhD dissertation.

Event-related oscillations in substance use addiction. With Vaughn Steele, PhD.

Diminished brain activity during error processing has been previously observed in patients with substance use disorder. The current study will investigate whether theta/beta oscillations are also affected in patients with SUD.

Absitence during SUD treatment: A meta-analysis. With Michiel Boog, PhD

Central question in this meta-analysis: Is abstinence of substances during SUD treatment related to more favourable treatment outcomes than non-abstinence? I advise Michiel in the methodology and statistics of this meta-analysis, and help out with rating risk of bias assessment.

Previous Collaborations / Completed Projects

Infant behavioral inhibition, social anxiety and error monitoring. With Daniel Pine, MD, NIMH.

OSF: https://osf.io/jkpsx In this prospective longitudinal study, we examine the association between infant behavioral inhibition (measured at 14 month), later social anxiety (measured at age 29) and error processing (measured with a social flanker task). The social flanker task, where there is one condition in which participants are observed by a peer, will be performed in a MRI-scanner, allowing us to investigate where in the anterior cingulate cortex activity most or least evident. For a preview of this unpublished and not peer-reviewed manuscript, please see my PhD dissertation.

Reducing Externalizing Problem Behavior in Youth. With Michelle Achterberg, PhD & Lysanne te Brinke, PhD.

Proposal. osf.io/n9q6g. Cancelled project. During the covid-19 crisis, internalizing problems of adolescents have received a lot of attention, yet research shows that youths themselves and society as a whole also experience an increased burden of externalizing problems (i.e., misbehavior such as drug use and aggression. Therefore, effective policy and interventions to deal with these problems are needed. Currently, policy and intervention programs aimed to influence adolescent externalizing behaviors often fail because they (1) do not honor adolescents’ need for autonomy, status and respect, and (2) do not include adolescents in the design process. To reduce externalizing problem behavior in youth, we want to utilize a co-creation design including several stakeholders. We will invite 20 participants to the co-creation process, divided over four taskforces (see figure at on OSF): 1) 16-18-year-old adolescents; 2) policy makers; 3) policy executors such as youth workers, teachers, and community officers; and 4) health care professionals such as school psychologists and child psychiatrists. We will adapt the suggestions of Stichting Alexander, by including the following four steps: inform, create, evaluate and present.

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